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This photo was made with some experimental liquids as milk, water paint and oil_edited.jpg

Our services 

PlanCatalyst, powered by the expertise of diverse specialists from around the world, excels in providing multi-disciplinary, tailored advisory services that bring social innovation to the forefront of global development.

Across all our work, we offer deep subject matter expertise in areas such as Gender Equality, Education, Climate Change and Resilience, Economic Empowerment, and Health. We also bring leading-edge perspectives to Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research within our extensive thematic experiences.

We have extensive experience in international development, corporate sustainability, and social enterprise and innovation, offering value-add services in the following areas:


International Development

We work closely with international development funders, financial institutions, and implementing organizations to provide innovative support in the following areas:

  • Community engagement strategy

  • Innovative finance advisory and incubation

  • Program advisory and optimization

  • Impact assessments and outcomes measurement 

  • Community consultation and insights gathering


Social Enterprise and Innovation

We support the growth and scale of social enterprises with global solutions, providing wraparound support and capacity-building services in the following areas:

  • Funding landscape assessment

  • Investment readiness

  • Impact assessment & gender analysis

  • Market entry and assessment

  • Ecosystem integration and brand visibility

  • Business model development 


Corporate Sustainability

We advise companies on how to create the most innovative corporate sustainability and social impact initiatives that creates tangible value for stakeholders across supply chains:

  • Supply chain impact assessment
    (via gender transformative lens)         

  • Social impact fund assessment and development

  • Sustainability program design

  • Gender analysis and inclusion audits

  • Sustainability and ESG reporting 

  • Climate Action Plans

  • Carbon Footprint Analysis

  • Climate risk assessment

This photo was made with some experimental liquids as milk, water paint and oil_edited.jpg

Our Areas of Technical Expertise 

Gender Equality & Inclusivity

We ensure an intersectional gender transformative lens in all our work. This approach provides unique insights that unlock unforeseen opportunities and risks.

Our perspectives stem from our understanding of gender as a system of power that influences everyday decisions through social norms, as well as conscious and unconscious bias. This is necessary to ensure that we incorporate an understanding of intersectional identities as the basis of our analysis and decision-making. We have also developed a framework and methodology to assess diversity, inclusion and belonging that can be applied in corporate contexts.

Climate Change & Resilience

We understand the interconnectedness and inequity of global climate threats. We take a social justice perspective in our response to the climate crisis, recognizing the disproportionate impacts felt by the most marginalized communities in developing countries.

We help build resilience by engaging with the local communities on climate mitigation and adaptation action. This approach allows us to assess, design, and implement high-impact climate change strategies for those who are traditionally excluded from climate change discussions but bear the brunt of its effects. We take a collaborative, partnership-building approach to addressing climate change while applying a gender transformative lens that creates systemic change for climate justice.

Impact & Measurement

We analyze and optimize impact using rigorous methodology and frameworks. This builds from our expertise in monitoring and evaluation and is applied in an agile, dynamic context.

Our approach to Impact Management has been iteratively developed through decades of experience in designing, assessing, and reporting monitoring and evaluation frameworks using the latest approaches to capturing and presenting data for decision-making. It has evolved to predictive impact modeling that embeds an agile approach to maximize impact within a given set of constraints. We combine qualitative and quantitative approaches to ensure a holistic perspective. Our work uses social and gender analysis to improve social transformational outcomes, linked to potential risks and opportunities that may otherwise be missed.


We are dedicated to ensuring inclusive, high-quality education, particularly for vulnerable and excluded children, focusing on girls, across early childhood and pre-primary to primary and secondary education, and finally technical and vocational training. We work closely with Ministries of Education on improving access and quality of education, focusing on the role of facilitators and teachers.

Our education team, comprised of seasoned advisors in education, monitoring and evaluation, and gender equality, specializes in addressing deeply rooted gender barriers to education. Through our leadership in international initiatives and advocacy, we actively promote gender-transformative approaches to education. Our experience ensures out-of-school children have to access quality education, linked gender equality and keeping girls in school, and support safe and resilient learning environments, addressing challenges like pandemics and climate change. By fostering community engagement, integrating gender-transformative principles, and prioritizing child protection, our commitment is to empower all children through access to quality education and resilient learning systems.


We specialize in public health, with a focus on health system strengthening. Our gender lens guides our approach to supporting primary health services and addressing infectious diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. We collaborate closely with Ministries of Health to enhance access and quality of services, particularly for maternal, newborn and child health.

Our community-centric approach involves empowering health workers, leaders, and communities through capacity building, training, and fostering accountability. By partnering with civil society organizations, especially those led by key populations, we demonstrate a commitment to knowledge transfer and strengthening national expertise. Notably, through our integrated approach extends to sexual and reproductive health rights, child marriage reduction, and comprehensive, community-based health interventions, ensuring lasting positive health outcomes.

Economic Empowerment

We are committed to inclusive economic empowerment globally, with a lens that prioritizes marginalized groups. We work with multiple stakeholders, including financial institutions, local banks and microfinance institutions and impact investors, to support entrepreneurship and innovation at a local level. 

Employing a comprehensive value chain approach, our initiatives strategically focus on market systems development, productivity enhancement and value addition, and robust support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). With a proven track record of working with communities, we foster financial inclusion and resilience through financial literacy. We address climate change impacts, where our work extends to anticipatory action for disaster response that protects both lives and livelihoods. Our dedication to inclusive economic growth and community resilience is evident throughout our work. 

This photo was made with some experimental liquids as milk, water paint and oil_edited_edi

For inquiries on how our services can benefit your organization, please feel free to reach out to us

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